The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party
Adopted 2nd October 2023
1. Name & legal status
1.1 Our name shall be the "Justice & Anti-Corruption Party
1.2 The Party may be referred to as the "JAC Party" an abbreviated form of its full name
1.3 We are and wish to remain registered as a political party with the Electoral Commission.
1.4 We shall be registered in Great Britain but not Northern Ireland.
1.5 A financial scheme has been adopted (Appendix A) and any changes may be made by the Officers, subject to approval by the Electoral Commission.
2. Objectives of the Party
2.1 To stand candidates who agree with the aims of the Party for election to Parliament, County Councils, Borough and District Councils, City, Town and Parish Councils in Great Britain but not Northern Ireland.
2.2 To stand candidates who agree with the aims of the Party for election as Police and Crime Commissioners or as elected Mayors in Great Britain but not Northern Ireland.
3. Aims of the Party
3.1 As set out in the Original Constitution of the Party we believe that there has been a culture of fraud bribery and corruption in public life by both individuals and public bodies and that the reporting of these incidents to the appropriate bodies has proved ineffective. There is a need to expose these incidents to the public to protect their finances, environment and quality of life. We believe strongly in an honest transparent and open society that under democracy is in the control of the public as a whole and not the few. Incidents of fraud and corruption that may not be criminal but that breach civil law should be exposed. We aim to expose any forms of inequality and injustice, including this abuse of democratic rights.
3.2 The aim of the Party is to help build a broad based and inclusive alternative to the major political parties whose members control the public environment and who show disregard for the rules and. procedures to protect the public for their own benefit. We will do this by intervening in elections at national and local level building the Party as a campaigning organisation.
3.3 We recognise that the current major political parties have embraced the desire to control all aspects of public life by the creation of a plethora of laws rules and regulations in an effort to appear to be effective government. The impact of these actions is to confuse the public whilst individuals can improperly or immorally increase their position and wealth.
3.4 We also believe that regulatory bodies such as the Police, HMRC, Court Services, the Audit Commission, the Planning Inspectorate and Government departments, such as the Home Office, have shown disregard for the laid down regulations. This is due to the complexities of the law created by governments, the failure to provide and finance adequate enforcement procedures or because they have no desire to confront prominent individuals. Within these regulatory bodies there is a desire to do nothing and take no responsibility for actions.
The aim of the Party is to expose these occurrences to inform the public by exposing the individuals concerned and where appropriate by ensuring that they are brought to justice. We aim to help recreate social justice.
4. Management of the Party
4.1 The Party and its operations will be managed by the Executive Committee.
4.2 The members of the Executive Committee will be the Officers and those other persons who are appointed as such at the Annual General Meeting or at any other meeting of the Executive Committee.
4.3 Any person who stands or has stood for election as a Party candidate in any election is eligible to be appointed as a member of the Executive Committee.
4.4 The policies of the Party at any election will be determined by the Executive Committee. Any member of the Executive Committee may put forward a proposal for the adoption of or change to any policy adopted by the Party. Such a proposal should be put in writing to the Leader copied to the Secretary.
4.5 The Party will maintain a free website which is to be used to publicise the activities of the Party and to publish candidate's election material during the period of an election. The material which is put on the website must be approved at the sole discretion of the Leader.
5. Selection of election candidates
5.1 Any person who broadly agrees with the aims and objectives of the Party and is prepared to treat its decisions and procedures in a positive and cooperative way can apply to be a candidate for the Party in any election. Such application must be made in writing (which includes email) to any of the Leader, Treasurer, Secretary or Nominating Officer. The Nominating Officer will determine if such an application is accepted or refused after having consulted with the other Officers of the Party.
5.2 Any Party candidate in any election shall pay their own election expenses including election deposits where applicable. Candidates must keep full and proper records of their election expenses and are responsible for submitting a return with the details of such expenses as required by the applicable laws and regulations for the election in which they stand.
5.3 The Secretary shall keep a register of the Party's election candidates.
6. Officers & Party Leadership
6.1 There shall be at least two persons who are Officers of the Party, as required by law.
6.2 The Officers of the Party will include the Leader, the Treasurer, the Secretary, and the Nominating Officer. One person may hold two or three of those positions.
6.3 The Party may but is not obliged to appoint a Deputy Leader.
6.4 The election, appointment or reappointment of the Officers will take place at each Annual General Meeting of the Executive Committee
6.5 In the event of the death or resignation of any Officer the Leader or Secretary will call a meeting of the Executive Committee to appoint a replacement within 14 days of becoming aware of the vacancy
6.6 The Leader shall be the primary representative of the Party and have executive authority, subject to this constitution.
6.7 The Leader shall act as Chairman of the Party and Chairman of meetings of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the Chairman at any meeting the members present will elect a chairman of the meeting from those present.
6.8 The Leader may resign as Leader at any time in writing to the Officers, without affecting their own status as an Officer.
6.9 When there is a vacancy of Leader, the Executive Committee shall hold an election
for Leader as follows:
6.9.1 The Secretary shall advise all members of the Executive Committee of the vacancy in writing as soon as is reasonably possible.
6.9.2 Any member of the Executive Committee may nominate themselves for the position of Leader if they have the written agreement of at least one other member.
6.9.3 There shall be a meeting of the Executive Committee to appoint or elect a new Leader within 28 days of the notification of the vacancy.
6.9.4 If there is only one nomination by the date of the meeting then that member will be deemed to be elected as Leader.
6.9.5 If there are more than one nomination for Leader, the Executive Committee will hold an election with each member having one vote. In the event of a draw there would be a drawing of lots to decide who would be Leader unless there was an agreement for there to be Joint Leaders.
6.9.6 Once elected, a new Leader takes office immediately
7. Role of the Treasurer
7.1 The Treasurer is responsible for the Party's compliance with the requirements of the Political Parties Elections and Referendum Acts 2000 as set out in the Financial Scheme attached (Appendix A) and any changes which may be made by the Officers, subject to approval by the Electoral Commission
7.2 The Treasurer will provide copies of any documents submitted to the Electoral Commission to the Leader and the Secretary. Copies of any such documents will be available for inspection by any member of the Executive Committee upon reasonable notice which must not be more than 21 days.
7.3 The Leader and the Secretary recognise that it is their obligation to ensure that the Treasurer has access to all financial information which the Treasurer requires to carry out the obligations of the Financial Scheme.
7.4 In the event of the incapacity death or resignation of the Treasurer the Leader shall act as Acting Treasurer until a new Treasurer is appointed.
8. Role of the Secretary
8.1 The Secretary is responsible for keeping the records of the Party including without limitation the name and contact details of all members of the Executive Committee and the Agendas and Minutes of its meetings.
8.2 In the event of the incapacity death or resignation of the Secretary their responsibilities will be carried out by the Treasurer until a new Secretary is appointed.
9. Membership
9.1 The Party has determined not to have a general membership at this time. The Executive Committee may determine otherwise once the necessary infrastructure is in place in which case the terms and conditions for membership will be determined and the Constitution amended accordingly.
9.2 As stated above any person may apply to be a Party candidate in accordance with the provisions of Clause 5
9.3 Any person who stands or has stood for election as a Party candidate is eligible to be appointed as a member of the Executive Committee.
10. Meetings of the Executive Committee
10.1 The Executive Committee will hold an Annual General Meeting on a date between 1 October and 31 December in each calendar year. The appointment or election or reappointment or re-election of Officers and members of the Executive Committee will take place at each such meeting.
10.2 The Executive Committee will hold at least three ordinary meetings in every calendar year one of which will be in preparation for the local elections in May of each calendar year.
10.3 The Executive Committee will have a meeting in preparation for the Police and Crime Commissioner elections and for any General Election.
10.4 The Leader may call an extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee upon 14 days' notice at any time.
10.5 Any two members of the Executive Committee may call an extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee upon 14 days' notice in writing giving the reason for the calling of the meeting.
10.6 The quorum for a meeting is the greater of three or one third of the total number of members of the committee. There is no limit to the number of members of the Executive Committee who can be appointed provided they are standing or have stood as a Party candidate in any election.
10.7 Any notices given in accordance with this clause must be sent to the Secretary, or, in their absence the Leader.
10.8 It will be the responsibility of the Secretary to prepare the Agendas and Minutes for any meeting of the Executive Committee.
10.9 The Executive Committee will be responsible for determining the acceptance or rejection of any proposals relating to the management, policies and governance of the Party submitted for resolution at its meetings. The Executive Committee should seek consensus as much as possible but if unable to do so on any proposal it shall be resolved by a majority vote of those present. The chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote in the event of an equality of votes.
11. Changes to the Constitution
11.1 Any proposed change to the constitution may be initiated in writing to the Leader or the Secretary and must have the support of at least 2 Members of the Executive Committee.
11.2 The Leader or the Secretary must circulate the proposed change(s) to the members of the Executive Committee, giving at least 28 days notice as a deadline to vote on such a change.
12. Dissolution
12.1 The Officers may propose dissolving the Party if no members of the Executive Committee are willing to replace the Leader or Treasurer within 56 days of the notification of the death or resignation of one of them.
12.2 The Party may be dissolved at any time by a majority decision of the members of the Executive Committee at a meeting of the Executive Committee called in accordance with Clause 10.5.
12.3 In the event of the Party being dissolved one of its Officers will inform the Electoral Commission.
Ratified by the members of the Executive Committee at its meeting on 2 October 2023.
Signed by the Officers registered at the Electoral Commission
- "Party" means Justice & Anti-Corruption Party.
- "Original Constitution" means the Constitution adopted by the founders of the Party
- when it was founded in April 2010.
- "Executive Committee" means the committee consisting of the current officers of the
- Party and those persons appointed or confirmed as members of the committee at the
- Party's Annual General Meeting
- "Officer" means an officer of the Party.
- "Leader" means the leader of the Party.
- "Treasurer" means the treasurer of the Party.
- "Nominating Officer" means the nominating officer of the Party.
- "Secretary" means the secretary of the Party.
- "In writing" means any handwritten or typewritten communication including by email or other electronic communication capable of being recorded.
1. Name & legal status
1.1 Our name shall be the "Justice & Anti-Corruption Party
1.2 The Party may be referred to as the "JAC Party" an abbreviated form of its full name
1.3 We are and wish to remain registered as a political party with the Electoral Commission.
1.4 We shall be registered in Great Britain but not Northern Ireland.
1.5 A financial scheme has been adopted (Appendix A) and any changes may be made by the Officers, subject to approval by the Electoral Commission.
2. Objectives of the Party
2.1 To stand candidates who agree with the aims of the Party for election to Parliament, County Councils, Borough and District Councils, City, Town and Parish Councils in Great Britain but not Northern Ireland.
2.2 To stand candidates who agree with the aims of the Party for election as Police and Crime Commissioners or as elected Mayors in Great Britain but not Northern Ireland.
3. Aims of the Party
3.1 As set out in the Original Constitution of the Party we believe that there has been a culture of fraud bribery and corruption in public life by both individuals and public bodies and that the reporting of these incidents to the appropriate bodies has proved ineffective. There is a need to expose these incidents to the public to protect their finances, environment and quality of life. We believe strongly in an honest transparent and open society that under democracy is in the control of the public as a whole and not the few. Incidents of fraud and corruption that may not be criminal but that breach civil law should be exposed. We aim to expose any forms of inequality and injustice, including this abuse of democratic rights.
3.2 The aim of the Party is to help build a broad based and inclusive alternative to the major political parties whose members control the public environment and who show disregard for the rules and. procedures to protect the public for their own benefit. We will do this by intervening in elections at national and local level building the Party as a campaigning organisation.
3.3 We recognise that the current major political parties have embraced the desire to control all aspects of public life by the creation of a plethora of laws rules and regulations in an effort to appear to be effective government. The impact of these actions is to confuse the public whilst individuals can improperly or immorally increase their position and wealth.
3.4 We also believe that regulatory bodies such as the Police, HMRC, Court Services, the Audit Commission, the Planning Inspectorate and Government departments, such as the Home Office, have shown disregard for the laid down regulations. This is due to the complexities of the law created by governments, the failure to provide and finance adequate enforcement procedures or because they have no desire to confront prominent individuals. Within these regulatory bodies there is a desire to do nothing and take no responsibility for actions.
The aim of the Party is to expose these occurrences to inform the public by exposing the individuals concerned and where appropriate by ensuring that they are brought to justice. We aim to help recreate social justice.
4. Management of the Party
4.1 The Party and its operations will be managed by the Executive Committee.
4.2 The members of the Executive Committee will be the Officers and those other persons who are appointed as such at the Annual General Meeting or at any other meeting of the Executive Committee.
4.3 Any person who stands or has stood for election as a Party candidate in any election is eligible to be appointed as a member of the Executive Committee.
4.4 The policies of the Party at any election will be determined by the Executive Committee. Any member of the Executive Committee may put forward a proposal for the adoption of or change to any policy adopted by the Party. Such a proposal should be put in writing to the Leader copied to the Secretary.
4.5 The Party will maintain a free website which is to be used to publicise the activities of the Party and to publish candidate's election material during the period of an election. The material which is put on the website must be approved at the sole discretion of the Leader.
5. Selection of election candidates
5.1 Any person who broadly agrees with the aims and objectives of the Party and is prepared to treat its decisions and procedures in a positive and cooperative way can apply to be a candidate for the Party in any election. Such application must be made in writing (which includes email) to any of the Leader, Treasurer, Secretary or Nominating Officer. The Nominating Officer will determine if such an application is accepted or refused after having consulted with the other Officers of the Party.
5.2 Any Party candidate in any election shall pay their own election expenses including election deposits where applicable. Candidates must keep full and proper records of their election expenses and are responsible for submitting a return with the details of such expenses as required by the applicable laws and regulations for the election in which they stand.
5.3 The Secretary shall keep a register of the Party's election candidates.
6. Officers & Party Leadership
6.1 There shall be at least two persons who are Officers of the Party, as required by law.
6.2 The Officers of the Party will include the Leader, the Treasurer, the Secretary, and the Nominating Officer. One person may hold two or three of those positions.
6.3 The Party may but is not obliged to appoint a Deputy Leader.
6.4 The election, appointment or reappointment of the Officers will take place at each Annual General Meeting of the Executive Committee
6.5 In the event of the death or resignation of any Officer the Leader or Secretary will call a meeting of the Executive Committee to appoint a replacement within 14 days of becoming aware of the vacancy
6.6 The Leader shall be the primary representative of the Party and have executive authority, subject to this constitution.
6.7 The Leader shall act as Chairman of the Party and Chairman of meetings of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the Chairman at any meeting the members present will elect a chairman of the meeting from those present.
6.8 The Leader may resign as Leader at any time in writing to the Officers, without affecting their own status as an Officer.
6.9 When there is a vacancy of Leader, the Executive Committee shall hold an election
for Leader as follows:
6.9.1 The Secretary shall advise all members of the Executive Committee of the vacancy in writing as soon as is reasonably possible.
6.9.2 Any member of the Executive Committee may nominate themselves for the position of Leader if they have the written agreement of at least one other member.
6.9.3 There shall be a meeting of the Executive Committee to appoint or elect a new Leader within 28 days of the notification of the vacancy.
6.9.4 If there is only one nomination by the date of the meeting then that member will be deemed to be elected as Leader.
6.9.5 If there are more than one nomination for Leader, the Executive Committee will hold an election with each member having one vote. In the event of a draw there would be a drawing of lots to decide who would be Leader unless there was an agreement for there to be Joint Leaders.
6.9.6 Once elected, a new Leader takes office immediately
7. Role of the Treasurer
7.1 The Treasurer is responsible for the Party's compliance with the requirements of the Political Parties Elections and Referendum Acts 2000 as set out in the Financial Scheme attached (Appendix A) and any changes which may be made by the Officers, subject to approval by the Electoral Commission
7.2 The Treasurer will provide copies of any documents submitted to the Electoral Commission to the Leader and the Secretary. Copies of any such documents will be available for inspection by any member of the Executive Committee upon reasonable notice which must not be more than 21 days.
7.3 The Leader and the Secretary recognise that it is their obligation to ensure that the Treasurer has access to all financial information which the Treasurer requires to carry out the obligations of the Financial Scheme.
7.4 In the event of the incapacity death or resignation of the Treasurer the Leader shall act as Acting Treasurer until a new Treasurer is appointed.
8. Role of the Secretary
8.1 The Secretary is responsible for keeping the records of the Party including without limitation the name and contact details of all members of the Executive Committee and the Agendas and Minutes of its meetings.
8.2 In the event of the incapacity death or resignation of the Secretary their responsibilities will be carried out by the Treasurer until a new Secretary is appointed.
9. Membership
9.1 The Party has determined not to have a general membership at this time. The Executive Committee may determine otherwise once the necessary infrastructure is in place in which case the terms and conditions for membership will be determined and the Constitution amended accordingly.
9.2 As stated above any person may apply to be a Party candidate in accordance with the provisions of Clause 5
9.3 Any person who stands or has stood for election as a Party candidate is eligible to be appointed as a member of the Executive Committee.
10. Meetings of the Executive Committee
10.1 The Executive Committee will hold an Annual General Meeting on a date between 1 October and 31 December in each calendar year. The appointment or election or reappointment or re-election of Officers and members of the Executive Committee will take place at each such meeting.
10.2 The Executive Committee will hold at least three ordinary meetings in every calendar year one of which will be in preparation for the local elections in May of each calendar year.
10.3 The Executive Committee will have a meeting in preparation for the Police and Crime Commissioner elections and for any General Election.
10.4 The Leader may call an extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee upon 14 days' notice at any time.
10.5 Any two members of the Executive Committee may call an extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee upon 14 days' notice in writing giving the reason for the calling of the meeting.
10.6 The quorum for a meeting is the greater of three or one third of the total number of members of the committee. There is no limit to the number of members of the Executive Committee who can be appointed provided they are standing or have stood as a Party candidate in any election.
10.7 Any notices given in accordance with this clause must be sent to the Secretary, or, in their absence the Leader.
10.8 It will be the responsibility of the Secretary to prepare the Agendas and Minutes for any meeting of the Executive Committee.
10.9 The Executive Committee will be responsible for determining the acceptance or rejection of any proposals relating to the management, policies and governance of the Party submitted for resolution at its meetings. The Executive Committee should seek consensus as much as possible but if unable to do so on any proposal it shall be resolved by a majority vote of those present. The chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote in the event of an equality of votes.
11. Changes to the Constitution
11.1 Any proposed change to the constitution may be initiated in writing to the Leader or the Secretary and must have the support of at least 2 Members of the Executive Committee.
11.2 The Leader or the Secretary must circulate the proposed change(s) to the members of the Executive Committee, giving at least 28 days notice as a deadline to vote on such a change.
12. Dissolution
12.1 The Officers may propose dissolving the Party if no members of the Executive Committee are willing to replace the Leader or Treasurer within 56 days of the notification of the death or resignation of one of them.
12.2 The Party may be dissolved at any time by a majority decision of the members of the Executive Committee at a meeting of the Executive Committee called in accordance with Clause 10.5.
12.3 In the event of the Party being dissolved one of its Officers will inform the Electoral Commission.
Ratified by the members of the Executive Committee at its meeting on 2 October 2023.
Signed by the Officers registered at the Electoral Commission
The full constitution of the Justice & Anti-Corruption Party can be downloaded here.