JAC Party News
Tuesday 30 April 2024
Complaint of electoral offences by Donna Jones and Kate Gunson
30 April 2024
Complaint of electoral offences by Donna Jones and Kate Gunson
- This report sets out how Donna Jones, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire & the Isle of Wight (the “PCC”) and Kate Gunson the Chief of Staff of the Office of the PCC (the “OPCC”) have together committed electoral offences during the current election of the PCC for Hampshire & the Isle of Wight.
- Specifically it explains how Donna Jones and Kate Gunson have conspired together:-
- to use the facilities of the OPCC to produce and distribute what are effectively election leaflets for Donna Jones which have been distributed to every household on the electoral roll in Hampshire & the Isle of Wight and
- to arrange for Donna Jones to make a presentation at Petersfield Town Hall on 10 April 2024 in breach of the Pre-election Period Guidance for PCC Elections May 2024 issued by the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners ( of which Donna Jones is the present Chairman)
- Donna Jones is the incumbent PCC and Conservative candidate in the current election. She was a longstanding member of Portsmouth City Council and Leader of the Council from 2014 to 2018 before she was elected PCC in May 2021. She has a salary of £88,000.
- The PCC is allowed to appoint a Deputy PCC and Donna Jones first appointed Luke Stubbs who was Deputy Leader of the Conservatives on Portsmouth City Council and then in July 2022 appointed Terry Norton who is also a former Conservative member of Portsmouth City Council. Mr Norton is the current DPCC and has a salary of £67,000.
- The PCC must also appoint a Head of Paid Service who is either known as the Chief Executive or as Chief of Staff. That person is also the Monitoring Officer of the OPCC. When Donna Jones became PCC James Payne, a solicitor, was Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer.
- In September 2021 Donna Jones appointed Jason Kenny as Chief Executive. Jason Kenny was a Hampshire based police officer with over 30 years experience in policing, including being Area Commander in Portsmouth from 2017 to 2018 when Donna Jones was Leader of the Council.
- In October 2021 Kate Gunson was appointed Senior Police Liaison at the OPCC. She had previously had 27 years experience as a police officer mainly in Hampshire reaching the rank of Detective Chief Inspector. In August 2022 Kate Gunson became Head of Criminal Justice, Commissioning and Partnerships working at the OPCC.
- Towards the end of 2023 Jason Kenny announced his impending departure as Chief Executive. Following a recruitment process involving advertising on the OPCC's own website the College of Policing ‘Hub’ the national Association of Police and Crime Commissioners and via various social media platforms as well as the corporate recruitment website (‘Success Factors’) there were 17 applications for the job. This was narrowed down to a shortlist of four candidates including Kate Gunson.
- Donna Jones then convened an Appointment Panel on Friday 17 November 2023 which consisted of herself, Jason Kenny and Gemma Gair the Head of Human Resources at the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary. According to the Report presented to the Police and Crime Panel meeting on 7 December 2023 “it was confirmed that no panel member had a conflict of interest that either necessitated declaration or would warrant disqualification”.
- One would have thought that working in the same relatively small office for more than two years would have created a bit of a conflict of interest but in any event the decision was that the Appointment Panel supported Donna Jones’ selection of Kate Gunson as Chief of Staff. Her appointment as Chief of Staff and Monitoring Officer was confirmed in December 2023, taking up the position in January 2024. This was with a permanent contract of employment and a salary of £97,969 per annum with annual leave in line with OPPC policy (presumably set by Donna Jones).
- One of the first tasks which Kate Gunson would have to have carried out as Chief of Staff would be preparation for the PCC election in May. At the first Police and Crime Panel meeting which she attended as Chief of Staff on 26th January 2024 she was heard to say that there had been a meeting to discuss this the previous week.
- Correspondence about the election first started in February 2024 with a meeting of prospective candidates and agents being arranged by the Police Area Returning Officer (“PARO”) to take place virtually on 13th March 2024.
- On Friday 8 March 2024 an article which was in fact a paid for advertisement appeared in the Petersfield Post advertising that Donna Jones would be attending the Petersfield Annual Town Meeting on Wednesday 10 April 2024 in order to give a presentation to those present. Here is a link to a copy of that article.
- That this is part of Donna Jones's election campaign is clear from the fact that she is wearing a Conservative party rosette with her name on it.
- On Monday 11 March 2024 there was a meeting of one of the parish councils which is close to Petersfield. One of the Conservative County councillors was present. It was stated at the meeting that Donna Jones would be speaking at the Petersfield Annual Town Meeting on 10 April 2024. The councillor announcing this said that it would be in breach of the purdah rules because it would be in the pre-election period.
- On Wednesday 13 March 2024 the candidates and agents briefing meeting advertised by the PARO took place. It was attended by the agents for all four of the eventual candidates. According to the icons on the computer screen it was also attended by two of the eventual candidates namely Donna Jones and Don Jerrard. It was confirmed that the Notice of the Election would be on 21 March 2024 and that the close of nominations would be 5 April 2024 at 4:00 PM.
- At the end of the week householders began receiving their annual council tax bills. The bills for East Hampshire seem to have been issued on either 12 or 13 March 2024. Tucked inside the bill was a really simple single page flyer from East Hampshire District Council with a notice from the Electoral Commission on the back saying you now need a photo ID to vote at a polling station.
- There was also a leaflet tucked into the Council Tax Bill which on examination can only be described as an election leaflet on behalf of Donna Jones. Linked here are copies of the front page, of the inside pages and of the back page.
- The front page of the leaflet is particularly revealing. It says “DONNA JONES” POLICE & CRIME COMMISSIONER” and has an old photograph of Donna Jones. There is no reference to anyone other than Donna Jones on the front page of the leaflet other than the logo of Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary at the bottom.
- There is a letter from and signed by Donna Jones on the left of the inside pages and multiple references to what she promises to do in the future. Everyone who has seen the leaflet themselves or been shown it has said that it is an election leaflet.
- It can also be shown that Conservative party leaflets and advertising material used in the local elections across Hampshire contain the same quotes and even the same photograph as appear in the leaflet. For example here is a link to the back page of the Conservative newsletter published in Spring 2024 for the area of Petersfield, Sheet and Liss.
- It can be seen in the newsletter that the “Conservative team” contains the MP, two County Councillors and the chairman of Petersfield Town Council, Councillor J C Crissey, who is also the Mayor of Petersfield. It is Councillor Crissey who is responsible for the invitation to Donna Jones to be the only guest speaker at the Petersfield Annual Town Meeting.
- An agenda and advertisement for the Petersfield annual town meeting became available on the website of the Conservative Party in East Hampshire. That was before it was put up on the notice boards in Petersfield. At this point the agents for the other three candidates in the election all put in written representations to the Town Council stating that either Donna Jones should not speak at the meeting or that all four of the candidates should be invited to do so.
- Put very simply Councillor Crissey said that what was proposed was not in breach of the purdah rules and that he had taken legal advice that said so. When repeatedly pressed he refused to provide a copy of the legal advice or say who had given it. A number of people are known to have put in FOIA requests but so far with no known response. The Clerk to the Council has apparently said that the legal advice came from the OPCC but this has not been confirmed in writing.
- The meeting proceeded and Donna Jones spoke for at least 15 minutes In what was clearly an electioneering presentation The agent for the Labour candidate, who is now in his 80s, very bravely raised the point of order that the meeting was illegal unless all four candidates were given the opportunity to speak The Mayor would not let him finish his point and he was shouted down by what became almost a baying mob. The agent for the JAC party candidate tried to speak but was not allowed to do so. A lady who was openly trying to record the meeting to get evidence was then pushed and ejected by two of the police officers who were at the meeting with four or five police vehicles. Terry Norton, the DPCC was present and left with Donna Jones and three others including two policemen one of whom was apparently a Chief Inspector. One resident said it was like a rally in Putin’s Russia when only one person is allowed to speak and any others who try are arrested.
- What happened can best be described by the article which appeared in the Petersfield Post on Thursday April 18 2024. The article was the whole of the front page and also part of page 5 (link to copy here).
- Enquiries have now shown that the Donna Jones leaflet was inserted with the council tax bills in every one of the 14 voting areas which make up the police area in this election. That means that it would have been delivered in a sealed envelope to in excess of 800,000 households. Even in a general election when there is one free post for each candidate the leaflet is only distributed loose with the post. To do a mailshot in envelopes would probably cost about £1 per letter so what Donna Jones has done is probably worth at least £800,000 to her while the other candidates have not been able to send out more than a few hundred leaflets if they have sent any at all.
- The other unanswered questions at present are how much did the Donna Jones leaflet cost, who prepared it and who paid for it. At a recent parish council meeting one of the two County Councillors for Petersfield was asked why the County Council did not put a leaflet in with the tax bill even if it was extremely simple like the one put in by East Hampshire District Council. His answer was that a leaflet would have cost £50,000 to prepare and print and the County Council officers had better things to do.
- The truth of what happened may only be decided by asking all those who might be responsible what their role was in the preparation, printing and distribution of the leaflet. But whatever the truth may be there must be an ultimate joint responsibility between Donna Jones as the PCC and beneficiary of the leaflet and Kate Gunson in her joint role of Chief of Staff and Monitoring Officer.
- There are very full audio and video recordings of the Petersfield Annual Town Meeting which can be made available to the Electoral Commission. Also original copies of the leaflets and of the newspaper articles can of course be provided.
- Finally it is clear that there have been multiple breaches of the Pre-election. Guidance for PCC elections May 2024 from the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC). As mentioned above Donna Jones is the chairman of the APCC and there can be no excuse that she of all people has not stuck rigidly to the letter and spirit of the law set out in that Guidance
- Of course we expect complete integrity by any PCC. However it seems to be yet another case where the Conservatives make the rules but they do not apply to them, only to the rest of us.
30 April 2024
Sunday 07 April 2024
Candidates in forthcoming elections.
The Justice and Anti-Corruption Party is pleased to announce that Mr Don Jerrard, Leader and Chairman of the Party, has been nominated as the Party’s candidate. In the election of the Police and Crime Commissioner in Hampshire & Isle of Wight.
It is also the Party’s intention to field candidates in the forthcoming parliamentary General Election.
The JAC Party has been electorally inactive since 2021 in consequence of the disruption brought about by pandemic measures. But it has remained a registered political party and is now under a new constitution but committed to the same principles. We believe that there has been a culture of fraud, bribery, and corruption in public life by both individuals and public bodies, uncorrected by official regulatory agencies. Such bodies include the police and courts, where there is no desire to do anything or take responsibility by exposing and bringing the corrupt to justice.
These deficiencies have afflicted both Parliament and local councils, where both MPs and Councillors have become implicated in serious conflicts of interest, including undeclared business and financial ties liable to influence their conduct at the expense of the public.
We believe the Police and Crime Commissioner should be independent of the Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Labour Parties. In fact we believe that the old system of police accountability to a county police authority should be restored since this provides a much more independent, democratic and cheaper form of governance.
However until this happens the Police and Crime Commissioner should hold the Chief Constable and police officers openly to account Much to our disappointment the present Commissioner in Hampshire has failed to deal with matters she promised to act on, including corruption and serious misconduct within the ranks of Hampshire Police.
Her loyalty to the Conservative Party can only impede any will to take on misfeasance of all kinds by politicians of her own party, whether local or national, which dominates the county. It is time for regulation of the police to be removed from party political control.
Only thus can the public look with confidence to our police to maintain law and order effectively, following the priorities of the public rather than their own or those of the discredited politicians.
Candidates in forthcoming elections.
The Justice and Anti-Corruption Party is pleased to announce that Mr Don Jerrard, Leader and Chairman of the Party, has been nominated as the Party’s candidate. In the election of the Police and Crime Commissioner in Hampshire & Isle of Wight.
It is also the Party’s intention to field candidates in the forthcoming parliamentary General Election.
The JAC Party has been electorally inactive since 2021 in consequence of the disruption brought about by pandemic measures. But it has remained a registered political party and is now under a new constitution but committed to the same principles. We believe that there has been a culture of fraud, bribery, and corruption in public life by both individuals and public bodies, uncorrected by official regulatory agencies. Such bodies include the police and courts, where there is no desire to do anything or take responsibility by exposing and bringing the corrupt to justice.
These deficiencies have afflicted both Parliament and local councils, where both MPs and Councillors have become implicated in serious conflicts of interest, including undeclared business and financial ties liable to influence their conduct at the expense of the public.
We believe the Police and Crime Commissioner should be independent of the Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Labour Parties. In fact we believe that the old system of police accountability to a county police authority should be restored since this provides a much more independent, democratic and cheaper form of governance.
However until this happens the Police and Crime Commissioner should hold the Chief Constable and police officers openly to account Much to our disappointment the present Commissioner in Hampshire has failed to deal with matters she promised to act on, including corruption and serious misconduct within the ranks of Hampshire Police.
Her loyalty to the Conservative Party can only impede any will to take on misfeasance of all kinds by politicians of her own party, whether local or national, which dominates the county. It is time for regulation of the police to be removed from party political control.
Only thus can the public look with confidence to our police to maintain law and order effectively, following the priorities of the public rather than their own or those of the discredited politicians.
21 April 2019
This is Don Jerrard's election leaflet for the election on 2 May 2019.
This is Don Jerrard's election leaflet for the election on 2 May 2019.
19 April 2019
This is Eddie Trotter's election leaflet for the election on 2 May 2019.
This is Eddie Trotter's election leaflet for the election on 2 May 2019.
7 June 2017
Susan Jerrard is the JAC Party's candidate for East Hampshire. Here is her letter, sent today, to residents of Liphook living near Bohunt Manor and her election leaflet :
Dear Liphook resident,
Attached is my leaflet for the General Election on Thursday 8th June.
One of the proposed developments which causes me most alarm is the repeated applications to build hundreds of houses on Bohunt Manor and the Foley Estate, both of which are in the South Downs National Park.
Bohunt Manor was left to the World Wildlife Fund in the Wills of Sir Adrian and Lady Holman. It was meant to be used as open space for the people of Liphook. When Lady Holman died it was sold by the WWF for less than £2 million. The land was then transferred to a company registered in the British Virgin Islands owned by a Lichtenstein Trust. There is no public record of the beneficiaries of the Trust. The British Virgin Islands is a popular tax haven.
Since the boundary of the South Downs National Park was extended to include Bohunt Manor and the Foley Estate there have been repeated proposals to build literally hundreds of houses on this land. If these proposals ever succeed the profits will go to a tax haven. Despite promises from all the major parties nothing has been done to stop this type of behaviour.
Please show your support for opposition to these development proposals by voting for me on Thursday. Thank you.
Susan Jerrard
JAC Party candidate for East Hampshire
Susan Jerrard is the JAC Party's candidate for East Hampshire. Here is her letter, sent today, to residents of Liphook living near Bohunt Manor and her election leaflet :
Dear Liphook resident,
Attached is my leaflet for the General Election on Thursday 8th June.
One of the proposed developments which causes me most alarm is the repeated applications to build hundreds of houses on Bohunt Manor and the Foley Estate, both of which are in the South Downs National Park.
Bohunt Manor was left to the World Wildlife Fund in the Wills of Sir Adrian and Lady Holman. It was meant to be used as open space for the people of Liphook. When Lady Holman died it was sold by the WWF for less than £2 million. The land was then transferred to a company registered in the British Virgin Islands owned by a Lichtenstein Trust. There is no public record of the beneficiaries of the Trust. The British Virgin Islands is a popular tax haven.
Since the boundary of the South Downs National Park was extended to include Bohunt Manor and the Foley Estate there have been repeated proposals to build literally hundreds of houses on this land. If these proposals ever succeed the profits will go to a tax haven. Despite promises from all the major parties nothing has been done to stop this type of behaviour.
Please show your support for opposition to these development proposals by voting for me on Thursday. Thank you.
Susan Jerrard
JAC Party candidate for East Hampshire
This is Susan's statement to the Petersfield Post when she was asked to comment on what could be done to prevent terrorist attacks like the one in Manchester.
I am a Parish Councillor and have lived in Greatham for nearly 30 years. The JAC Party (www.jacparty.org.uk) was formed to expose corruption at all levels and help victims of abuse.
For 20 years the major parties have not recognised the dangers of uncontrolled immigration without integration. This has caused the formation of terrorist cells in such numbers that the police do not have the resources to monitor them.
It is disturbing that Salman Abedi was reported to the police by his own community and was known to be involved with a terrorist network. However the police took no action. The JAC Party believes that this is partly because of misguided political correctness.
For 6 years I have attended CTCG (Community Tasking and Coordination Group) meetings run by EHDC and the Police and undertaken Prevent training to report any suspicious behaviour. Some people may refrain from reporting information to the police in fear of being accused of discrimination. Moreover without increasing local policing and intelligence any response will be too slow.
It is disturbing that no action has been taken when JAC Party supporters have reported other serious matters such as intimidation in planning applications, money laundering and abuse of vulnerable adults and children. Even when given clear evidence the police have too often done nothing seemingly due to unwillingness to offend the perpetrators.
I will continue to argue for increased local police resources. The JAC Party will always help victims and hope the police will listen and act quickly, as sadly did not happen in Manchester.
For many years Susan and the JAC Party have argued for incresed LOCAL police resources particularly to ensure LOCAL intelligence of criminals and terrorists. Now at last the Government may be listening but it has taken the terrible events of Manchester and London Bridge to wake them up. And the JAC Party still doubts if the Government will return to LOCAL policing. Which is why you should express your concern by voting for Susan on 8 June.
I am a Parish Councillor and have lived in Greatham for nearly 30 years. The JAC Party (www.jacparty.org.uk) was formed to expose corruption at all levels and help victims of abuse.
For 20 years the major parties have not recognised the dangers of uncontrolled immigration without integration. This has caused the formation of terrorist cells in such numbers that the police do not have the resources to monitor them.
It is disturbing that Salman Abedi was reported to the police by his own community and was known to be involved with a terrorist network. However the police took no action. The JAC Party believes that this is partly because of misguided political correctness.
For 6 years I have attended CTCG (Community Tasking and Coordination Group) meetings run by EHDC and the Police and undertaken Prevent training to report any suspicious behaviour. Some people may refrain from reporting information to the police in fear of being accused of discrimination. Moreover without increasing local policing and intelligence any response will be too slow.
It is disturbing that no action has been taken when JAC Party supporters have reported other serious matters such as intimidation in planning applications, money laundering and abuse of vulnerable adults and children. Even when given clear evidence the police have too often done nothing seemingly due to unwillingness to offend the perpetrators.
I will continue to argue for increased local police resources. The JAC Party will always help victims and hope the police will listen and act quickly, as sadly did not happen in Manchester.
For many years Susan and the JAC Party have argued for incresed LOCAL police resources particularly to ensure LOCAL intelligence of criminals and terrorists. Now at last the Government may be listening but it has taken the terrible events of Manchester and London Bridge to wake them up. And the JAC Party still doubts if the Government will return to LOCAL policing. Which is why you should express your concern by voting for Susan on 8 June.
.This is Susan's closing statement for the Alton hustings which she did not get the chance to make because the Labour candidate had to leave to catch a train back to Loughborough.
Closing statement for Alton Hustings
Thank you for listening to me tonight.
I am standing in this election because I care about local issues and the main parties just do not seem to listen.
The English legal system is the best that money can buy. This now seems to apply to healthcare, education and pensions which are only available to those who can afford to pay.
I am strongly opposed to tuition fees at all levels of education. They could be paid by cuts elsewhere and taxes from the multinationals hiding in their tax havens.
I have always believed in fairness, transparency and accountability in all aspects of public life. I am committed to ensuring that this happens in East Hampshire.
Countrywide the Conservatives will probably win this election. I realise I am probably the “None of the Above” candidate.
I give you the chance to show that you share my passion for justice and equal opportunities in this constituency.
If you are dissatisfied with the main parties please vote for me.
Thank you.
Closing statement for Alton Hustings
Thank you for listening to me tonight.
I am standing in this election because I care about local issues and the main parties just do not seem to listen.
The English legal system is the best that money can buy. This now seems to apply to healthcare, education and pensions which are only available to those who can afford to pay.
I am strongly opposed to tuition fees at all levels of education. They could be paid by cuts elsewhere and taxes from the multinationals hiding in their tax havens.
I have always believed in fairness, transparency and accountability in all aspects of public life. I am committed to ensuring that this happens in East Hampshire.
Countrywide the Conservatives will probably win this election. I realise I am probably the “None of the Above” candidate.
I give you the chance to show that you share my passion for justice and equal opportunities in this constituency.
If you are dissatisfied with the main parties please vote for me.
Thank you.
29 April 2017
The JAC Party is now expecting to field a candidate in the by-election caused by resignations on Alresford Town Council. Meanwhile the Party is still considering its strategy for the General Election and hopes to make an announcement within the next 48 hours.
The JAC Party is now expecting to field a candidate in the by-election caused by resignations on Alresford Town Council. Meanwhile the Party is still considering its strategy for the General Election and hopes to make an announcement within the next 48 hours.
01 April 2017 - The JAC Party will be fielding at least 3 candidates in the forthcoming Hampshire County Council elections on 4 May 2017. Further details will be posted when nominations close on Tuesday 4 April at 4:00pm
07 April 2015
Don Jerrard stands as candidate for Portsmouth South
Portsmouth's newspaper, The News, announces that Don Jerrard is running for election in May for Portsmouth South. Don and the Justice & Anti-Corruption Party primarily fight for justice and against corruption. All votes for the Justice & Anti-Corruption Party will send a clear message to the main political parties, and in Portsmouth, independent candidates also, that corruption will not be tolerated by the electorate. Neither by their MP's, locally or nationally, council members, the police, or any other members of the establishment who wish to abuse their power.
Don Jerrard stands as candidate for Portsmouth South
Portsmouth's newspaper, The News, announces that Don Jerrard is running for election in May for Portsmouth South. Don and the Justice & Anti-Corruption Party primarily fight for justice and against corruption. All votes for the Justice & Anti-Corruption Party will send a clear message to the main political parties, and in Portsmouth, independent candidates also, that corruption will not be tolerated by the electorate. Neither by their MP's, locally or nationally, council members, the police, or any other members of the establishment who wish to abuse their power.
07 August 2014
Don Jerrard stands as possible UKIP candidate for Tonbridge and Malling against Tom Tugendhat
Don Jerrard, co-founder of the JAC Party stood in the selection process for the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for UKIP in Tonbridge and Malling last Saturday. He was astonished to find that the Conservative PPC was none other than Tom Tugendhat, the son of Sir Michael Tugendhat, the High Court Judge who retired on 3 June 2014. This was astonishing because on 20 May 2014 Mr Justice Tugendhat made a costs order against Don Jerrard when he was revealing matters of potential embarassment to the Conservative Party. Sir Michael Tugendhat did not declare his obvious conflict of interest. Even worse it turns out that Sir Michael's brother is none other than Lord Tugendhat, a Tory peer and erstwhile MP, and later European Commissioner. Mr Justice Tugendhat did not declare this either. The JAC Party will be investigating exactly what was going on, and seeing if such an occurrence has ever happened before.
Don Jerrard stands as possible UKIP candidate for Tonbridge and Malling against Tom Tugendhat
Don Jerrard, co-founder of the JAC Party stood in the selection process for the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for UKIP in Tonbridge and Malling last Saturday. He was astonished to find that the Conservative PPC was none other than Tom Tugendhat, the son of Sir Michael Tugendhat, the High Court Judge who retired on 3 June 2014. This was astonishing because on 20 May 2014 Mr Justice Tugendhat made a costs order against Don Jerrard when he was revealing matters of potential embarassment to the Conservative Party. Sir Michael Tugendhat did not declare his obvious conflict of interest. Even worse it turns out that Sir Michael's brother is none other than Lord Tugendhat, a Tory peer and erstwhile MP, and later European Commissioner. Mr Justice Tugendhat did not declare this either. The JAC Party will be investigating exactly what was going on, and seeing if such an occurrence has ever happened before.
20 February 2011
The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party declares its support for Mr Les Cummings
The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party (JAC Party) will be giving its full support to its co-founder, Mr Les Cummings, at the trial of Mr Cummings under section 106 of the Representation of the People Act commencing Monday 21st February 2011 in Southampton. This follows a complaint by Mr Michael Hancock, MP for Portsmouth South, that Mr Cummings made comments about Mr Hancock during the 2010 General Election campaign which he knew, or believed, to be untrue.
The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party remains determined to fulfil its mission to expose matters of public concern where the elected members of Parliament and Local Councils have abused their positions of authority and trust. The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party has still received no reply from Nick Clegg, now Deputy Prime Minister, to its request for an investigation into the appropriateness of payments made to Mr Hancock’s wife and daughter as his research assistants and as local councillors. These concerns are documented on the Portsmouth page of the JAC Party website at www.jacparty.org.uk
The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party will be fielding candidates in the forthcoming local council elections in May 2011 in Portsmouth and East Hampshire. In anticipation of the elections, the party announced on Saturday 19th February 2011 that Mr Don Jerrard will be leader of the party during the election campaign, Mr Les Cummings will be Deputy Leader and the treasurer will act as official spokesperson for the Party until further notice.
The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party declares its support for Mr Les Cummings
The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party (JAC Party) will be giving its full support to its co-founder, Mr Les Cummings, at the trial of Mr Cummings under section 106 of the Representation of the People Act commencing Monday 21st February 2011 in Southampton. This follows a complaint by Mr Michael Hancock, MP for Portsmouth South, that Mr Cummings made comments about Mr Hancock during the 2010 General Election campaign which he knew, or believed, to be untrue.
The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party remains determined to fulfil its mission to expose matters of public concern where the elected members of Parliament and Local Councils have abused their positions of authority and trust. The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party has still received no reply from Nick Clegg, now Deputy Prime Minister, to its request for an investigation into the appropriateness of payments made to Mr Hancock’s wife and daughter as his research assistants and as local councillors. These concerns are documented on the Portsmouth page of the JAC Party website at www.jacparty.org.uk
The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party will be fielding candidates in the forthcoming local council elections in May 2011 in Portsmouth and East Hampshire. In anticipation of the elections, the party announced on Saturday 19th February 2011 that Mr Don Jerrard will be leader of the party during the election campaign, Mr Les Cummings will be Deputy Leader and the treasurer will act as official spokesperson for the Party until further notice.
30 March 2010
The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party
Don Jerrard and Les Cummings are proud to announce the launch of The Justice & Anti Corruption Party.
Known as JAC, the Party will expose injustice and corruption involving MPs and local Councils, and bring it to the attention of the media. It will do this by publishing the facts of what has been happening on its websites, and letting the public decide what is dishonest or corrupt. Eventually, the public will realise what is going on, and hopefully bring the dishonest politicians and Council officers to account for their past misdeeds.
The Party will be fielding candidates in local and parliamentary elections so the electors will have a way to express their disgust and distaste for the antics of politicians from all the main parties. As a start Les Cummings will be standing in this year’s local or parliamentary elections in Portsmouth South and Don Jerrard will stand in the parliamentary election in East Hampshire.
Les Cummings is a survivor of child abuse and is the author of the book ‘Forgotten’. Les lives in Fratton Portsmouth and has fought against injustice for many years. Recently Les has concentrated on exposing abuses of power by Portsmouth City Council, and the politically motivated Hampshire police force.
Don Jerrard is a retired solicitor who helps the victims of abuse of power by local councils. Don lives in Greatham near Petersfield, and has been investigating and exposing corruption in East Hampshire District Council and other local Councils since 2002.
The general public are, by now, tired of hearing about the greed of MPs and local councillors, and the decades of abusive expenses claims and underhand payments for doing their jobs. Simply put, it’s way past time to expose and vote out these corrupt and dishonest politicians who have had their day. It’s time for new blood and new ideas, ideas that exclude the money grabbing politicians who have been lining their pockets with the hard-earned money of the tax paying public for far too long.
It is said that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This happens regardless of who is in power. In Portsmouth South it has been the Liberal Democrats; in East Hampshire, it has been the Conservatives. In other places it has been Labour. JAC does not seek power – the Party seeks only to put the integrity back into politics for the voting public who deserve better than the current greedy MPs and councillors that we have suffered from for too many years.
The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party
Don Jerrard and Les Cummings are proud to announce the launch of The Justice & Anti Corruption Party.
Known as JAC, the Party will expose injustice and corruption involving MPs and local Councils, and bring it to the attention of the media. It will do this by publishing the facts of what has been happening on its websites, and letting the public decide what is dishonest or corrupt. Eventually, the public will realise what is going on, and hopefully bring the dishonest politicians and Council officers to account for their past misdeeds.
The Party will be fielding candidates in local and parliamentary elections so the electors will have a way to express their disgust and distaste for the antics of politicians from all the main parties. As a start Les Cummings will be standing in this year’s local or parliamentary elections in Portsmouth South and Don Jerrard will stand in the parliamentary election in East Hampshire.
Les Cummings is a survivor of child abuse and is the author of the book ‘Forgotten’. Les lives in Fratton Portsmouth and has fought against injustice for many years. Recently Les has concentrated on exposing abuses of power by Portsmouth City Council, and the politically motivated Hampshire police force.
Don Jerrard is a retired solicitor who helps the victims of abuse of power by local councils. Don lives in Greatham near Petersfield, and has been investigating and exposing corruption in East Hampshire District Council and other local Councils since 2002.
The general public are, by now, tired of hearing about the greed of MPs and local councillors, and the decades of abusive expenses claims and underhand payments for doing their jobs. Simply put, it’s way past time to expose and vote out these corrupt and dishonest politicians who have had their day. It’s time for new blood and new ideas, ideas that exclude the money grabbing politicians who have been lining their pockets with the hard-earned money of the tax paying public for far too long.
It is said that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This happens regardless of who is in power. In Portsmouth South it has been the Liberal Democrats; in East Hampshire, it has been the Conservatives. In other places it has been Labour. JAC does not seek power – the Party seeks only to put the integrity back into politics for the voting public who deserve better than the current greedy MPs and councillors that we have suffered from for too many years.